How the IAF got it’s first bombers…

While strategic dedicated bombers were extensively used during the Second World Wars and their use heightened during the Cold War but today bombers are not used to that extent. This is the result of the development in missile technology, particularly cruise missiles. While the USA and Russia, do still posses a strong fleet of bombers,…

The Lesser known Sukhoi of IAF

Today the word Sukhoi, is well known throughout India and is regarded as one of the best aircraft manufacturers of the world. This is largely due to the currently operational Su 30 MKIs, which were imported and also manufactured in India by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited but sadly very few know that another Sukhoi was operated…

Cavalry Tank Museum, Ahmednagar

The Battle Tank has been an integral part of modern warfare since it was first introduced in the First World War. They have evolved a lot since they first rolled out in the battlefields of France. While they were first introduced to tackle the trench warfare faced during the first world War, their role evolved…