The Sarbhog Aerodrome Incident

The Freedom Struggle which last for more than a century saw many incidents and events which shook to the Colonial Rule to the core. These incidents were scattered all over the country and also over the entire time. While some of the incidents have received a lot of importance and highlight and is well known…

Heros of Malegarh

A part of the 34th Bengal Native Infantry Regiment was also posted in Chittagong at that time and when the news of the War reached the sepoys stationed there, three companies mutinied on the 18th of December 1857. The sepoys burned the jail and freed the imamates and also looted and destroyed the treasury. The…

Bahadur – The First Indian SuperHero

Today, as we are entertained by a whole horde of Superheros, mostly from the DC and Marvel Universe, we might sometime wonder why we were never able to develop our own SuperHero. He would we someone which would be much for easier for the Indian public to relate and also showcase the Indian environment to…